Eric Overmyer’s

On the Verge,

or the Geography of Yearning

March 14-23, 2025
performed at Madison Street Theatre

Invest In The Dramatic

Supporting Forest Park Theatre is simple and your time and monetary gifts are always welcome. Our summer performances may be the most visible event of the year, we are always working behind the scenes providing educational opportunities and planning for next year.

To donate, simply click the button in the header or for information on sponship oportunities, click the buton below.

Scene from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Avery Fountain in Actually

Jennie Moreau And Alex Frisch in The How & The Why

invest in the dramatic


Supporting Forest Park Theatre is simple and your time and monetary gifts are always welcome. Our summer performances may be the most visible event of the year, we are always working behind the scenes providing educational opportunities and planning for next year.

To donate, simply click the button in the header or for information on sponship oportunities, click the buton below.


A twist on the familiar


Forest Park Theatre is dedicated to language-centered, meta-theatrical, multi-disciplinary, multi-lingual, and multi-cultural performances that invigorate the classical canon and create new classics for the 21st century. We are also dedicated to bringing theatre arts to the community of Forest Park through readings, educational programs and partnerships and productions of local scripts.