
Theater as Teacher


Theatre is a fantastic teacher providing us all with an avenue in which we can see others’ points of view, show empathy, and use our imagination to experience other times, challenges and situations. It teaches us to communicate, to express our feelings and to react to others.

Forest Park Theatre has already begun a partnership with School Distric 91 and Proviso to bring visiting and resident artists, hands-on workshops for employees as well as students, and in-school performances.

Additionally, we invite the community to take part in readings in which they will learn about plays, scripts and theatre production.

In partnership with Forest Park School District 91, Forest Park Theatre has launched its inaugural Theatre in Schools program.

FPT's two teaching artists, Noe Bonsol and Angelina Davila, are working full school days at Grant White School, playing theater games, building plays and developing all the great skills that theater provides: literacy, imagination, cooperation, and the ability to work quickly and creatively in diverse environments, plus lots of fun!

Thank you to Forest Park School District 91 for hosting us … Hooray for Theatre in Schools!